Rabu, 08 November 2017


A.    Background
Learning is a teacher's conscious effort to help students , so they can learn according to their needs and interests. Where the characteristics of learning is the existence of interaction between teachers and students as one of the learning resources, where learning activities are conducted to achieve learning objectives so that learning is focused on how membelajarkan students and not on what students learn.
Various learning characteristics are Collaborative Learning, Quantum Learning, Cooperative Learning, and Thematic Learning. Learning has the essence of planning or design in an effort to membelajarkan students. That is why in learning, students not only interact with teachers as one source of learning, but may interact with the overall learning resources used to achieve the desired learning objectives. Learning emphasizes more on how to achieve learning objectives. Learning objectives are one of the aspects that need to be considered in planning the lesson. Because all learning activities estuary on the achievement of these goals.
Learning is a system of learning environment consisting of component objectives, lesson materials, strategies, tools, students, and teachers. As a system, these components are closely related, mutually influencing. Therefore, teachers are required to have a special ability that can know the characteristics of learning. As has been known that the purpose of learning concerns three groups of behaviors, namely knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The grouping of learning goals that we have often heard is the taxonomy of goals proposed by Bloom, which classifies the learning objectives in three domains, namely the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

B.     formulation of the problem
1.      What is the definition of characteristic learning in school?
2.      How the positive and negative impact about characteristic learning in school?
3.      how the application of learning characteristics in schools?

C.    Purpose
1.      to know the definition of learning characteristics in school
2.      to know the positive and negative impacts on learning characteristics in schools
3.      to know how to apply the characteristics of learning in school

A.    definition of characteristic learning in school
According to Hamzah B Uno (2012: 134)[1] learning or teaching is an effort to membelajarkan students. in this sense implicitly in learning there are activities of choosing, establishing, and developing methods to achieve desired learning outcomes.
Characteristic learning of school is character, moral or personality formed from result of internalization of varioul virtues which are believed and used as base for way of view, thinking, attitude and act.
Education is the process of cultural internalization into a person and society that makes people and society so civilized. Education is not a means of transfer of knowledge alone, but more broadly as a means of culture and value distribution (enculturization and socialization). The child must get an education that touches the basic dimensions of humanity. The dimension of humanity includes at least three most basic things, namely:
1)      Affective which is reflected in the quality of faith, piety, noble character including noble character and superior personality, and aesthetic competence.
2)      Cognitive is reflected in the capacity of thought and intellectual power to explore and develop and master science and technology.
3)      Psychomotor is reflected in the ability to develop technical skills, practical skills, and kinesthetic competence
The definition of character according to MoNE Language Center is "innate, heart, soul, personality, character, behavior, personality, nature, temperament, temperament". The character is personality, behavior, nature, character, and character. " According to Tadkiroatun Musfiroh (UNY, 2008), character refers to a series of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills. The character comes from the Greek word "to mark" or marks and focuses how to apply the value of goodness in the form of action or behavior, so that people who are dishonest, cruel, greedy and other ugly behaviors are said to be ugly characters. Conversely, people whose behavior is in accordance with moral rules is called with noble character.
Character education is a system of inculcating character values to schoolchildren that include the components of knowledge, awareness or willingness, and actions to implement those values. In character education in schools, all components (education stakeholders) should be involved, including the components of the education itself, ie curriculum content, learning and assessment processes, handling or management of subjects, school management, implementation of activities or co-curricular activities, empowerment infrastructure, financing, and work ethic of all school / neighborhood residents. In addition, character education is interpreted as a behavior of school residents who in carrying out education must be characterized.
Character education is character education plus, which involves aspects of knowledge (cognitive), feeling (feeling), and action (action). According to Thomas Lickona, without these three aspects, then character education will not be effective. With a systematic and sustained character education, a child will be emotionally intelligent. This emotional intelligence is an important provision in preparing children for the future, because one will find it easier and more successful to face all kinds of life challenges, including the challenge of academically successful.[2]

B.     positive and negative impact about characteristic learning in school
According to Endang Mulyatiningsih (in Hamza B. Uno : Google Scholar) Character education is a shared responsibility for all educators, both at home and at school. Character education must begin with the educator itself. However, at this time many negative characters are found that actually comes from the educator itself. Although not based on accurate research data, but never found cases / events that tarnished the name of educators such as: (1) educators are not honest in making scientific work; (2) the educator who is studying is not honest in doing the test by copying the answer of his friend; (3) the educator helps the student to pass the national exam; (4) educators are less disciplined; (5) educators cheat in preparing promotional files and portfolio assessments, etc.
1.      negative impact
If the educators only have shown a lot of negative characters, what about the character of the students in the future? The phenomenon of the negative character of adolescents who often become a source of news in the mass media, among others, is the act of violence, brawl, mischief, cheating on the exam and so on. Mazzola (2003) conducted a survey of bullying in schools. The survey results obtained the following findings: (1) daily about 160,000 students were bullied in school, 1 out of 3 respondents ages (students at age 18) had been subjected to violence, 75-80% of students had observed violence, 15-35% of students are victims of violence from cyber-bullying.
Negative characters in adults are often hidden so that only certain circles know it. With the current information technology and computer upgrades, there are many negative characters among students, among others: (1) writing paper assignments just downloading from the internet; (2) replicating thesis of the work of others; (3) answering test questions with the help of HP that can connect to the internet. If this negative character is left unchecked, the student is feared will decrease his creativity. Students like this will be lazy, like to take shortcuts, do not like challenges and love to look for something instant. Whereas on the other hand, students are required to have a strong person because of increasingly tight job competition.
Character building must be continuously done holistically from all educational environment ie family, school, and society. According to Miftahudin (2010) character education at an early age in the family aims for formation, in adolescence in school aimed for development while in adulthood in college aims for consolidation. The educator's job is to provide a good learning environment to shape, develop and solidify the character of the learners.
2.      positive impact
Character education is done by habituation to behave positively and avoid negative behavior. The Character Education Partnership comprises 11 principles of effective character education: (1) promoting the values ​​of ethical codes based on positive characters; (2) defining characters comprehensively for thinking, feeling and behaving; (3) using an effective, comprehensive, intensive and proactive approach; (4) creating a caring school community; (5) provide opportunities for students to conduct and develop moral acts; (6) developing a challenging and meaningful curriculum to help all students achieve success; (7) awaken students' intrinsic motivation to learn and be good people in their environment; (8) encourage all teachers as professional and moral communities in the learning process; (9) stimulate the growth of transformational leadership to develop a lifelong character education; (10) involving family and community members as partners in character education; (11) evaluates the character of the schoolchildren to obtain information and shape the subsequent character education efforts (Lickona, Schaps, & Lewis: 2003).
Implementation of 11 principles of character education becomes part of the school program, not the responsibility of one subject, one teacher or one activity only. Implementation of character education is integrated through rules and school rules, the process of teaching and learning in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Educators are required to model good behavior / characters in their students. The Character Education, Guidance, Lifeskills from (www.livewiremedia.com) identifies human beings with good character are humans who have the following characteristics:
1)      Trustworthiness: trustworthy;
2)      Respect: respect, courtesy
3)      Responsibility: have responsibility on the task given
4)      Fairness: be fair and wise in making decisions
5)      Caring: showing concern for others, helpfulness
6)      Citizenship: showing a national attitude, love of the state / institution, loyal, discipline to obey the rules
7)      Honesty: have an honest, open and candid attitude
8)      Courage: have a bold or challenging attitude
9)      Diligence: has a diligent attitude, tenacious, never give up and hard work
10)  Integrity: have integrity or words and actions are always consistent.[3]

C.    application of learning characteristics in schools
According to Anik Gufron ( in Hamza B. Uno : google scholar) Integrating the values ​​of the nation's character into learning activities means integrating, incorporating, and applying the values ​​believed to be good and right in order to form, develop, and nurture the character or personality of learners according to the identity of the nation when the learning activities take place. The values ​​of national character, among others (1) love to God and the universe and its contents; (2) responsibility, discipline and independence; (3) honest; (4) respect and courtesy; (5) affection, care, and cooperation; (6) confident, creative, hard work and never give up; (7) justice and leadership, good and humble; and (9) tolerance, love of peace and unity. Therefore, the integration of the values ​​contained in the nation's character into the learning activities of each subject in the context of character formation of the nation, in fact the activity wants to realize what is contained in the curriculum applicable in schools, through the assessment and application values which is contained in the character of the nation on learning activities at school.
Integration of the nation's character values on learning activities can be done through the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. The three stages of learning are described as follows:
1.      PLANNING
Integration of the nation's character values requires adequate planning activities, both in the form of learning implementation planning and the arrangement of learning environment. Lesson planning relates to "what and how" learning takes place inside and outside the classroom. The product of this activity is the design of learning implementation. Structuring the learning environment aims to regulate the various situations and conditions (physical and non physical) that can develop a sense of sensitivity, flexibility, democratization, and the sense of responsiveness of learners to various needs.
a.      Preparation of the Implementation Plan Learning
The design of learning implementation needs to be made as a teacher reference activity or implementation of learning. The design of learning implementation is developed based on the applicable syllabus and developed continuously.
The design of learning implementation contains stages of learning activities from meeting to meeting. Stages of learning activities are developed with the aim of providing opportunities for learners to learn to master a number of competencies while still promoting the actualization of the values of national character, both inside and outside the classroom.
The design of integration of character values of the nation is prepared by first reviewing the formulation of competencies that will be mastered by learners. The teachers when preparing the design of learning is recommended to understand in advance the values of national character associated with the formulation of competencies that are expected to be mastered by learners. Furthermore, based on the results of the identification of the nation's character values developed the design of learning implementation as a reference in serving and fascilitating them in learning.
b.      Setting and Structuring Learning Environment
The integration of national character values into classroom learning activities requires the support of an adequate learning environment. Sufficient learning environment for successful integration of values of national character into learning activities requires arrangement and arrangement so that learners can learn according to their needs and interests.
The successful integration of the nation's character values into learning, among others (a) preparing the means of learning needed for the integration of the values of the nation's character into learning; (b) organize the available learning infrastructure, and (c) arrange the classroom environment (circumstances) for the interest of mastering the competence and values of the nation's character contained in it.
a.      Stages of Implementation of Learning
The integration of national character values into learning activities is conducted for all subjects available in the school curriculum, which are expected to be at the preliminary, core, and closing stages. Thus, at each stage of learning will be filled or included moral messages or values of national character relevant to the subject matter of the subject being discussed. Furthermore, in order to obtain accuracy, accuracy, and suitability between the values of national character that will be developed with the main material then the teachers can use the help table (row - column) on the following learning scenarios.
Table 1. How to Integrate Nation Character Values at Learning Stages
Description of activities
Subject matter
Nation Character Values






Using the help of the table above, teachers have a careful and extensive opportunity about what activities are being undertaken to create learning that facilitates learners to master the things contained in the competence formulas and values of the nation's character contained in them.
The lesson that emphasizes the integration of the values of the nation's expected character is a model of learning that has characteristics (1) using methods that can realize the competence formulas and values of the nation's character contained in the formulation of competence by empowering multiple intelligence; (2) is contextual; (3) learning takes place interactively, inspiration, fun, motivating, challenging, and in a conducive climate; (4) student-centered; (5) allocate time relevant to competency understanding needs; (6) using various learning settings for the realization of the nation's character values contained in the formulation of competence; and (7) implementing remedial and enrichment programs in accordance with the results of the formative review.
b.      Classroom management
Classroom management is an essential part of learning activities that emphasize the integration of national character values. Classroom management aims to create and / or maintain a situation and condition of learning that still allows learners to master competence, as well as practice the values of the nation's character.
Creating learning conditions means organizing classes (physical and non physical) that enable learners to learn adequately. Some activities that can be done, such as arranging classrooms according to the interests of learning activities of learners, make the rules that regulate learning activities learners competence, provide exemplary training and feedback, and create a learning culture that among learners.
Maintaining the dynamics of the classroom is a process of activities that aims to keep learning activities nuanced moral values. Forms of activity to maintain class dynamics, such as disciplining learners in learning, applying the school order consistently, and apply punishment and rewards.
c.       Academic Guidance
Academic guidance has a strategic position for the success of learners in the integration of the nation's character values. Academic guidance is a form of learning services that teachers do to help learners who are in solving learning problems. Here that needs to be emphasized is that students need to get academic guidance in accordance with the needs of learning.
Some learning guidance activities that can be done, among others; provide enrichment and remedial programs for learners in need, tutoring for learners with special learning problems.
The final stage of integration activities of the nation's character values in learning activities is to conduct an assessment. Assessment can be done to determine the success of learners in completing the learning tasks, which is done during the process and the end of learning.
Components to determine the final score, including face-to-face attendance, success in completing learning tasks, midterm exam scores, and semester final grades. All of these components are then packed in the form of reports of learners' learning outcomes given to parents at the end of each semester. The form of the learning result report can be a recap of the value that the learner has achieved or in the form of a value report.
What are the implications of the application of learning that integrates the values ​​of the nation's character for schools, teachers, learners, and parents? To answer this question, it is necessary to know and understand the position and role of the three parties in the context of the implementation of learning that integrates the values ​​of the nation's character in all subjects. Starting from the position and role of each party is then formulated about what they should try so that the implementation of learning can take place and work optimally.
When viewed from the level of implementation of education, schools are institutions that are at the lowest level as a place for the process of transmission and transformation of learning experiences to learners. With such a position, it is not excessive when the school is said to be an essential institution for the sustainability and success of programs that have been formulated in the school's strategic plan, especially with the adoption of a school-based management approach.[4]

A.    Conclusion
Characteristic learning of school is character, moral or personality formed from result of internalization of varioul virtues which are believed and used as base for way of view, thinking, attitude and act.
In applying and implementing thematic learning, there are some basic principles that need to be considered are the principle of excavating the theme, the principle of learning management, the principle of evaluation and the principle of reaction.
Besides In the implementation of thematic learning, there are several principles that must be done is the planning that includes: Basic Competence Mapping, setting the theme network, the preparation of syllabus, and preparation of lesson plans
In the implementation of thematic learning in primary schools has a variety that includes: Implications for teachers, implications for students, implications for facilities, infrastructure, learning resources and media, the implications for spatial arrangements, and the implications for method election.
The steps taken in thematic learning are: Phase of activities and setting of lesson schedule. The stages of activities that include initial activities, core activities and end activities.

[1]Hamzah B. Uno, Orientasi dalam Psikologi Pembelajaran,(Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara,2012),hlm 134
[2] Dwi Antoro 2013 (http://atariuz.blogspot.co.id/2013/03/pendidikan-karakter-di-sekolah-dasar.html) di akses pada tanggal 21 okteber 2017 pukul 19 : 57
[3] Hamza B. Uno (https://scholar.google.co.id/scholar?cites=983987805809902465&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=id) di akses pada tanggal 21 oktober 2017 pukul 20:21
[4] Hamza B. Uno (https://scholar.google.co.id/scholar?cites=3912523657417291468&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=id) di akses pada tanggal 21 oktober 2017 pukul 21 :25

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